Mendebaldeko Sahararekin elkartasuneko Nazioarteko Lehen Gazte Foroa Saharako errefuxiatu kanpamenduetan
The First International Youth Forum in solidarity with Western Sahara in the Saharawi refugee camps Submitted on Thu, 03/12/2020 - 11:21 Auserd (Saharawi Republic), March 11 2020 (SPS) – The First International Youth Forum of Solidarity with Western Sahara,...
Mendebaldeko Saharako ordezkariekin Gazteen Elkartasunerako Nazioarteko I. Foroa saharar herriaren eskubidearen alde aho batez adierazi dute.
Auserd (refugee camp), March, 12 2020 (SPS)- The delegations to the First Youth Solidarity Forum with Western Sahara, have unanimously voiced their full support for the right of the Sahrawi people to independence and freedom. Mohamed Bujruf has expressed on behalf of...